



Champion Safe Company

Get the toughest safe on the market. Champion Safes are the industry’s finest top rated gun safes. Leave your valuables behind with confidence in their security inside one of our safes. We only use American-made, high-strength steel in our gun safes. Choose from our three safe lines boasting the highest quality and top rated gun safes in the industry. Our three safe lines are built to be the most secure, highest quality top rated gun safes found in America. Champion still builds gun safes for sale the old-fashioned way – heavy and tough with thick American-made high-strength steel! Our gun safes are “built up to a standard, not down to a price.” That’s why our safes are the heaviest, strongest, and most secure gun safes on the market.


The old adage “You get what you pay for” never had more meaning when purchasing a safe. Sometimes the gun safe price difference between low quality and excellent isn’t very much—an amount you probably won’t remember a year or two from now. A few dollars more can purchase a higher quality safe offering greater security, satisfaction and lasting value.

Champion Series

Champion Gun Safes Estate Collection ES09 Bronze Black Chrome Accessory Finish


🔥 60 Minute at 1350° F

🔒 8 – 1″-Diameter Door Bolts

🇺🇸 Made in the USA

Superior Series